
Withdrawal for Brazil

This part of the documentation describes the withdrawal flow for Brazil.


# POST /v4/withdrawals


# BR withdrawals

For BR, either the user_id or national_identification_numberis required to initiate a withdrawal. If the national_identification_number is used then the bank_account is also required.

  // required
  "country_code": "BR",
  "site_display_name": "Best Website.com",
  "ref": "merchant-transaction-ref",
  "amount": "100.00",
  "currency": "BRL",
  "site": "example.com",
  "success_url": "https://example.com/return_path/transaction_identifier",
  "failure_url": "https://example.com/return_path/transaction_identifier",
  "close_url": "https://example.com/return_path/transaction_identifier",
  // optional
  "notification_url": "https://example.com/return_path/transaction_identifier",
  "account_ref": "CustomerRefOnMerchantSide",
  "email": "bobben@example.com",
  "locale": "pt-BR",
  "mobile_phone": "+5511234569999"
  // bank_account is required for BR if you submit national_identification_number
  "bank_account": {
    "type": "national-BR",
    "account": "XXX",
    "account_digit": "X",
    "account_type": "XXX",
    "bank_code": "XXX",    // "optional if `ispb` is present"
    "ispb": "XXX",
    }, // or
  "bank_account": {
    "type": "iban",
    "account_number": "BR8937040044053201300C"
  }, // or
  "bank_account": {
    "type": "pix-BR",
    "key": "23100299900"
    "key_type": "CPF"    // "CPF", "CNPJ", "TELEFONE",  "EMAIL", "CHAVE_ALEATORIA"
  // one of user_id or national_identification_number is required for BR
  "user_id": "f65191e4-3064-cc45-df68-8130e4a11197",
  "national_identification_number": "23100299900"


All responses will include the full withdrawal object sent within your request. This is pointed out with the […] in below documentation.

# Authorized (will be sent in the notification)

The withdrawal is complete and can now be approved.

  "id": "6a734480-a051-4a05-8405-ac2d8f49102f",
  "state": "authorized",
  "user_form_url": "https://toh.zimpler.net/v4/callbacks/5c2ce36d-cf4b-4b8b-9930/success",
  "user_id": "9b9047da-175f-d29a-dae8-85b428488c2e",
  "kyc_info": {
    "country_code": "BR",
    "user_id": "9b9047da-175f-d29a-dae8-85b428488c2e",
    "first_name": "Heitor",
    "last_name": "Souza",
    "date_of_birth": "1981-01-01",
    "sex" : "M",
    "pep": false,
    "address": {
      "line_1": "Avenida Sete de Test",
      "line_2": null,
      "postcode": "69000-000",
      "city": "Rio de Janeiro",
      "country": "Brazil",
    "bank_account": {
      "type": "iban",
      "account_number": "BR8937040044053201300C"
    }, // or
    "bank_account": {
      "type": "pix-BR",
      "key": "23100299900"
      "key_type": "CPF"    // "CPF", "CNPJ", "TELEFONE",  "EMAIL", "CHAVE_ALEATORIA"

# POST /v4/withdrawals/:id/approve

Note: Amount has to be the same as provided in the POST /v4/withdrawals.


  // required
  "amount": "100.00"


    "state": "approved"

# POST /v4/withdrawals/:id/reject


    "state": "rejected"

# GET /v4/withdrawals/:id

Will return the full transaction object with the current state.